Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Making of Masks for Social Distancing April/May 2020

I've been making masks for friends and family during these strange times. I suspect that even when this time of the virus is over we'll be using these a lot more.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Mila's Baby Quilt April 2020

Mila has her quilt! Just in time for winter.

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 Above: This quilt was made for the first birthday of Loretta's first great grandchild, Mila. Photo of the whole quilt. It's a scrap quilt made from the squares of a fabric club I used to belong to. 4 inch squares made into ninepatches.
 Embroidered label for provenance plus it makes quilts look classy
Close-up of the fabrics, mostly pretty florals.